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Veteran Affairs hospital nurse anesthetist pleaded guilty Monday to stealing fentanyl from an automated drug distribution system at the facility.

Todd Mehrhoff, 48, is charged with obtaining fentanyl by use of misrepresentation and fraud.

The Waunakee man worked at the William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital in Madison, where he assisted with surgeries in the operating room. Due to his position, Mehrhoff was able to access a Med-Select automated prescription medication distribution, management and control system where he was able to obtain fentanyl.

In December 2017, operating room employees found a fentanyl syringe on a medical cart and contacted employees after querying the Med-Select system and finding that Mehrhoff had removed the syringe the day before without reporting its administration or destruction.

An investigation by the Veterans Affairs Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration found that Mehroff diverted fentanyl more than 100 times form August to December 2017. Mehrhoff also admitted in court that he obtained fentanyl for patients he was not assigned to on days where no surgeries were scheduled. He also admitted to obtaining greater amounts than would be typical for a procedure for his personal use.

Mehrhoff faces a maximum penalty of four years in prison. His sentencing is scheduled for March 5, 2019.