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A Long Island nurse pleaded guilty Friday to stealing fentanyl from the hospital where she worked, the Daily News has learned.

Olivia Daniti, 31, admitted to swiping the highly addictive opioid from Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx between Oct. 27 and Oct. 29. The hospital fired her three days later.

Daniti, who has been a registered nurse since 2011, stole 45 vials from machines that dispense medicine. She hit the machine 20 times on her days off, sources told The News.

The machine that Danioti used as her personal dealer, requires a patient name’s to access the drugs. Daniti used the names of random patients — including infants, the sources said.

Another nurse allegedly saw that Daniti noted a dose of fentanyl in a patient’s file and grew suspicious.

The hospital contacted the NYPD, which investigated with the Drug Enforcement Administration and the city’s Special Narcotics Prosecutor’s office.

Daniti was at Montefiore for five months and worked in a cardiac unit. Within a month, sources say, she started raiding the medicine stash, even though she’s only charged with the October thefts.

She surrendered Friday morning, then appeared before Manhattan Supreme Court Judge Laurie Peterson, where she plead guilty to drug possession and falsifying business records.

Daniti, who lives in Kings Park, was conditionally released on the drug charge but given five years probation for the other charge.

Peterson warned Daniti that if she violated terms of her plea she would impose “mandatory lengthy sentences of incarceration.”

Law enforcement sources said Daniti appears to have a drug problem, though when she was first confronted by hospital officials she claimed she was stealing the painkiller for others.

Sources said Daniti is the subject of two investigations by the state Office of Professional Discipline — one for what happened at Montefiore and another involving alleged wrongdoing at a Long Island hospital where she previously worked.

Jeanne Beattie, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Education, which runs the OPD, said she can’t comment on the specifics of any case but that any conviction is considered professional misconduct. Daniti will likely lose her license, sources said.

A hospital spokeswoman, Laura Ruocco, said Montefiore moved quickly to dismiss Daniti and that it has “taken active measures to prevent a situation like this from recurring.”