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A former Baxter County jailer appeared Thursday in Baxter County Circuit Court where she admitted to stealing an inmates prescription pills, saying it was the worst mistake of her life.

Tiffany Gail Johnson, 38, of Mountain Home, pled guilty to felony charges of breaking or entering, possession of a controlled substance and controlled substance fraudulent practices.

As part of a plea bargain, she was sentenced to four years of probation. She told Circuit Court Judge John Putman that after stealing the pills, she went home, realized she made a mistake and flushed the pills down a toilet.

On February 27, Johnson was booked into the jail where she formerly worked and was released after posting a $5,000 bond. Baxter County Sheriff John Montgomery said Johnson began working part time as a jailer in October of 2017 and became a full time employee in February of 2018.

According to the sheriff, on the morning in question, a nurse, in the presence of an inmate patient, counted hydrocodone pills prescribed to the inmate. The pair agreed there were 19 pills, and the count was noted.

The next day, when the nurse was dispensing a pill to the inmate, the inmate said to the nurse there appeared to be fewer pills than there should be. A count of the pills revealed some were missing, according to the news release.

The nurse alerted supervisors and an investigation began immediately. Investigators reviewed video surveillance footage and reportedly discovered that a camera captured Johnson opening the medication cart.

The sheriff noted that Johnson did not have a purpose or authorization to open the cart. Investigators reportedly interviewed Johnson, who said she had in fact taken six hydrocodone pills from the inmate’s prescription bottle.

Investigators spoke with prosecutors before deciding what charges to level against Johnson. The sheriff noted Johnson was immediately fired upon her arrest and that it will be up to the judicial system to determine what happens to Johnson.