How much time do you spend on discrepancy and override reconciliation?
- A discrepancy occurs when the medication count does NOT match the count expected by the system.
- An override occurs when an order doesn’t exist for a patient in the system.
Is your day consumed by looking into discrepancies? Overrides happen daily. By the time the investigator pulls the proper data from all the systems to validate that the discrepancy and/or override was legitimate, the day is gone. It takes too much time, leaving little for investigating potential diversion activity.
With HelioMetrics, we have made reconciling discrepancies easier. The ability to identify all discrepancy activity by controlled substance and individuals accessing ADCs speeds analysis. The data that is needed is contained in the solution, provided in easy to understand visualizations. By viewing the dispense, administer, waste and return, we delve into the data to pull back the order that was entered, confirming validity, and reconciling with the eMAR and ADC, decreasing time spent to minutes, instead of hours, a day.