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A 52 year old ANGELA JARABAK appeared by Zoom video today in Courtroom 102 before Her Honour, Justice Claudia Belda-Perez to plead guilty to theft under $5000. JARABAK is with her lawyer Kevin Matthews and Provincial Crown Attorney Stella Vallelunga is also by video


Management at the Southbridge Pinewood Court Long Term Care Home on 2625 Walsh Street East phoned Thunder Bay Police on November 20,2019 to report theft of narcotics.

Narcotics had been stolen from a locked medicine box a total of 11 times between August 31,2019 & November 8,2019. Morphine and hydromorphone (Dilaudid) were the drugs taken. On each occasion of theft, there was only one person who had access to the locked box. The box was specifically for emergency use only. An investigation revealed that the person with access on each date was ANGELA JARABAK, a Registered Nurse and employee. JARABAK was terminated in December 2019


The Crown Attorney wants a Conditional Sentence Order (to be served in the community) of 6-9 months, along with 200 Community Service Hours and probation. She suggests this is a breach of trust. JARABAK was one of very few employees entrusted with the keys to the emergency medication for seniors

Defence Attorney Matthews wants a Conditional Discharge with no criminal record.

JARABAK is a mother of 2 and has been a Registered Nurse for 26 years. She has no previous criminal record. She became addicted to prescribed Percocets in 2007 after an accident and has gone for treatment a few times. She was stealing the medication for personal use and not profit. She was experiencing marital problems and had relapsed due to stress at the time of the thefts.

JARABAK is given a chance to address the court and she tells Her Honour “The perfect storm happened, I am shamed and embarrassed.”

Justice Belda-Perez says this is a breach of trust and it requires a criminal record. She passes a two year suspended sentence with probation, along with 150 hours of Community Service

Her Honour states “She knew what she did was wrong. These are choice you consciously made and I hope you make better choices in the future”

JARABAK is given 6 months to pay the $100 victim fine surcharge