Former employee gets probation for stealing 650 pills from SC Walgreens

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A woman received probation but has a chance for no record of a conviction after she admitted stealing medication from the Mattoon Walgreens store while employed there.

Chelsea M. Brettin, 29, for whom court records show a Charleston address, pleaded guilty to a theft charge that accused her of stealing anxiety medication from the store in May.

The charge was a felony because the value of the stolen medication exceeded $300. Case records indicate 650 pills with a value of just more than $1,200 were taken.

With the agreement reached in her case, Brettin was sentenced to two years of probation for the conviction that also could have resulted in a prison sentence of two to five years.

Her probation is the type known as second chance, which can result in a no record of a conviction if completed successfully.

Also with the agreement, a drug possession charge, also a felony, was dismissed.

Probation terms for Brettin included an evaluation to determine any counseling needed. Records in the case indicate that she’s also been evaluated for substance abuse treatment.

Brettin was also ordered not to return to either the Mattoon or Charleston Walgreens.

Coles County Circuit Judge James Glenn imposed the sentence, accepting the terms of a plea agreement that Assistant State’s Attorney Maggie Crisman-Wilson and defense attorney Todd Reardon Jr. recommended.

2021-08-25T14:04:56-05:00November 7th, 2019|Categories: Drug Diversion in the News|

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