Looking for one source on Drug Diversion in the News? Look no further. HelioMetrics has pulled together this page as a resource for you to see those Drug Diversion stories that made headlines. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of every Drug Diversion, it is only a list of them that actually made the press, which is a fraction of the total Drug Diversions that happen daily around the United States. You can also check out our Prescription Fraud in the News for more stories related to Drug Diversion.
Unfortunately, most of these organizations will now be under additional scrutiny from the DEA, and may have to pay fines. It is time to get a better hand on controlling Drug Diversion with the HelioMetrics Rx Drug Diversion Solutions.
If you know of additional Drug Diversion stories that have made the press, but are not listed here, or if you would just like to learn more about the HelioMetrics Rx Drug Diversion Solutions, please contact us by phone or email.
Drug stealing Ontario nurse given a two year suspended sentence
A 52 year old ANGELA JARABAK appeared by Zoom video today in Courtroom 102 before Her Honour, Justice Claudia Belda-Perez to plead guilty to theft under $5000. JARABAK is with her lawyer Kevin Matthews and [...]
Former Buffalo General anesthesiologist pleads guilty to altering prescriptions for his personal use
A former anesthesiologist at Buffalo General Medical Center pleaded guilty Wednesday to a reduced charge after being caught altering patients' prescriptions to illegally obtain the narcotic fentanyl for his personal use. John R. LoFaso, 35, [...]
Nebraska nurse sentenced after 6000 pills turn up missing
A former Nebraska City nurse was fined $5,000 and ordered to three years probation after entering a plea to acquiring controlled substances by fraud. Skye Parde, 38, was arrested after Ambassador Health Assisted Living in [...]
USPS worker in Boston admits to stealing parcels containing drugs
A postal worker who tracked, stole and opened mail that he suspected contained drugs and then kept any narcotics that he found pleaded guilty Friday. Shawn Herron, 44, of Whitman, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to [...]
Illinois nurse sentenced on felony drug and healthcare fraud
A Carterville man was recently sentenced to four years of probation for drug diversion and health care fraud charges. According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Illinois, 42-year-old Joseph M. Mattingly [...]
Colorado Nurse Sentenced To Prison For Stealing Controlled Substances
A Colorado nurse was sentenced to prison for abusing his position of trust by taking fentanyl from a hospital to use while on the job. Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Registered Nurse Kurt Vasquez, 41, was [...]
St. Louis County nurse gets probation for stealing pain pills
A nurse who worked in a Bridgeton hospital was sentenced Tuesday to two years of probation for stealing pain pills from an automated dispensing machine. Jessica Marie Powell, of St. Louis County, stole hydromorphone and [...]
Massachusetts nurse gets 20 months for stealing morphine from dying patient
A licensed practical nurse from Stafford has been sentenced to 20 months in federal prison for ingesting liquid morphine that had been prescribed to a dying patient in a Massachusetts nursing home and replacing the [...]
Ex-nurse placed on probation, admitting taking drugs from PA’s Geisinger Medical Center
A former registered nurse at the Geisinger Medical Center near Danville has been placed on a year’s probation for diverting prescription opioids for her personal use over a five-month period. Akeya Lee Whitenight, 36, of [...]
Mass. nurse sentenced to 20 months in federal prison for stealing morphine from dying patient
During her first shift at a Westfield nursing home in 2018, Danielle Works skimmed morphine from a dying patient to feed her own drug habit. According to a federal prosecutor, Works was found slumped over [...]