Looking for one source on Drug Diversion in the News? Look no further. HelioMetrics has pulled together this page as a resource for you to see those Drug Diversion stories that made headlines. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of every Drug Diversion, it is only a list of them that actually made the press, which is a fraction of the total Drug Diversions that happen daily around the United States. You can also check out our Prescription Fraud in the News for more stories related to Drug Diversion.
Unfortunately, most of these organizations will now be under additional scrutiny from the DEA, and may have to pay fines. It is time to get a better hand on controlling Drug Diversion with the HelioMetrics Rx Drug Diversion Solutions.
If you know of additional Drug Diversion stories that have made the press, but are not listed here, or if you would just like to learn more about the HelioMetrics Rx Drug Diversion Solutions, please contact us by phone or email.
FL nurse whole stole 450 vials of FENTANYL from hospital and used it on herself
A disgraced Florida nurse of nearly 30 years has been convicted of stealing hundreds of vials of fentanyl and using the drug for herself. Catherine Shannon Dunton, 54, took 450 doses of fentanyl, injected herself [...]
IL patients in pain given diluted morphine as nurse took the rest for herself
Patients in pain at an Illinois medical rehabilitation center were given diluted liquid morphine as their nurse took the rest for herself, authorities said. One patient, for example, received a shot from a morphine bottle [...]
Former MO health care worker sentenced for fentanyl thefts
A former nurse was sentenced to 12 months and a day in prison for stealing fentanyl from two hospitals where she worked. Faith Naccarato, 42, of Kansas City, Missouri, pleaded guilty to two counts of [...]
Former Missoula nurse sentenced on felony diversion of drug charges
A former Missoula nurse who admitted to diverting opioid drugs while working at St. Patrick Hospital has been sentenced to three years of probation. According to U.S. Attorney Jesse Laslovich, Caitlin Ashley Evans, 37, pleaded [...]
Nurse at TN Detention Center arrested after allegedly stealing drugs
A registered nurse is facing theft charges after allegedly being found with prescription drugs meant for the Washington County Detention Center. A release from the Washington County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) states that M. Martinov, 60, [...]
Ex-nurse sentenced for stealing opioids from Kansas hospital
Former nurse Alec Ramirez, 32, has been sentenced to 18 months in prison and had his license revoked after he was convicted of stealing controlled substances from Menorah Medical Center in Overland Park, Kan. In [...]
Missouri nurse fired after stealing fentanyl gets new nursing job, then steals more
A nurse was fired from a Missouri hospital after she was caught stealing fentanyl meant for patients, then she found a new nursing job and stole more of the drug, according to federal authorities. Now [...]
Former Nurse Indicted for Drug Diversion from Boston Hospital
A former nurse has been indicted by a federal grand jury in Boston for allegedly diverting opioids from a Boston-area hospital. Andrea Falzano, 38, of Winchester, was indicted on three counts of unlawfully obtaining controlled [...]
Morphine-Siphoning Nurse Gets Jail For Stealing Drug From Mass. Dementia Patients
A judge sentenced a 43-year-old Northborough nurse who admitted to siphoning morphine from a dementia patient who she cared for at a nursing home will spend more than four years in prison, federal authorities said. [...]
Cedar Rapids nurse gets 5 years for stealing narcotics from 3 area hospitals
A Cedar Rapids nurse who diverted narcotics to her own use at four major Eastern Iowa health care providers, including three hospitals, in less than two years, was sentenced today to five years in federal [...]