Looking for one source on Drug Diversion in the News? Look no further. HelioMetrics has pulled together this page as a resource for you to see those Drug Diversion stories that made headlines. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of every Drug Diversion, it is only a list of them that actually made the press, which is a fraction of the total Drug Diversions that happen daily around the United States. You can also check out our Prescription Fraud in the News for more stories related to Drug Diversion.
Unfortunately, most of these organizations will now be under additional scrutiny from the DEA, and may have to pay fines. It is time to get a better hand on controlling Drug Diversion with the HelioMetrics Rx Drug Diversion Solutions.
If you know of additional Drug Diversion stories that have made the press, but are not listed here, or if you would just like to learn more about the HelioMetrics Rx Drug Diversion Solutions, please contact us by phone or email.
PA pharmacy employee charged with stealing drugs, police say
A Johnstown man was jailed Thursday, accused of stealing drugs from an East Taylor Township pharmacy that once employed him, authorities said. East Taylor Township police charged M. Miller, 48, with three counts each of [...]
DOJ: Pharmacy stockers stole drugs from NY stores
RGIS LLC (RGIS) and its affiliated company, Retail Services WIS Corporation (WIS), agreed to pay $158,760 to resolve allegations that they caused violations of the Controlled Substances Act. RGIS and WIS employees were accused of [...]
MI nurse sentenced to probation for fentanyl medication tampering
A former nurse at Bronson Methodist Hospital in Kalamazoo sentenced by a federal grand jury for tampering with vials of fentanyl. According to court records, the U.S. District Court sentenced 46-year-old Alison Marshall, who pleaded [...]
ND nursing home employee arrested for theft and distribution of prescription drugs
The Adams County narcotics division arrested K. Woodbury, 36, of Bowman, on Wednesday, Sept. 21 for her alleged theft of prescription opioids from nursing home residents for illegal profit and personal use. Woodbury was an [...]
CT nurse sentenced for tampering with patients’ fentanyl vials, refilling them with saline
A Connecticut nurse responsible for sedating patients for outpatient medical procedures was sentenced to two years in federal prison for tampering with drug vials to steal fentanyl according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Bryan Wilson, [...]
A former UF Health nurse accused of stealing hospital medication is the target of three investigations
Allegations of stealing pain medication at two different hospitals in two different cities are not the only legal issues for a now-former nurse who was arrested on Friday. News4JAX has uncovered court documents that show [...]
UF nurse arrested for the second time following accusations of stealing medication
A Jacksonville nurse was arrested and accused of stealing medication from the employer for the second time. Desiree Lato, 41, was arrested Friday while working at UF Health Jacksonville and charged with one count of [...]
Florida air ambulance nurse arrested for stealing narcotics
A former fire rescue chief flight nurse has been arrested on accusations that she stole narcotics. L. Rusinowski, a former Monroe County Fire Rescue chief flight nurse for the Trauma Star helicopter program, was arrested [...]
Michigan Nurse pleads guilty, admits to swapping painkillers with saline meant for patients
A registered nurse in Michigan placed critical care patients in danger by swapping painkillers with saline over the span of several months, according to federal authorities. Mary Cheatham, 42, of Ypsilanti, recently admitted to the [...]
Former Ontario nurse pleads guilty to negligence causing death
A former nurse at the La Verendrye Hospital in Fort Frances admitted to altering medication administration records to steal morphine in order to feed her own addiction, which resulted in the death of a patient [...]