Looking for one source on Drug Diversion in the News? Look no further. HelioMetrics has pulled together this page as a resource for you to see those Drug Diversion stories that made headlines. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of every Drug Diversion, it is only a list of them that actually made the press, which is a fraction of the total Drug Diversions that happen daily around the United States. You can also check out our Prescription Fraud in the News for more stories related to Drug Diversion.
Unfortunately, most of these organizations will now be under additional scrutiny from the DEA, and may have to pay fines. It is time to get a better hand on controlling Drug Diversion with the HelioMetrics Rx Drug Diversion Solutions.
If you know of additional Drug Diversion stories that have made the press, but are not listed here, or if you would just like to learn more about the HelioMetrics Rx Drug Diversion Solutions, please contact us by phone or email.
NH anesthesiologist who diverted opioids can return to practice after license suspension
A New Hampshire doctor has had his license restored and can return to practice following a suspension for opioid use. Christopher S. Manfred, M.D., a former anesthesiologist at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire, [...]
Ky nurse charged with murder, accused of intentional medical maltreatment causing patients death
A former nurse was arrested in Kentucky on murder charges after investigators said she killed her patient by injecting him with a drug he wasn’t supposed to receive. In a news release, the Lexington Police [...]
PA home health nurse arrested, charged with stealing Morphine from patient
A home health nurse was arraigned Monday after she allegedly stole prescriptions from one of her Plains Township patients. Officials say 61-year-old Diane Ellingsen confessed to taking 3 or 4 tablets of Morphine every 3 [...]
Former Denver Health paramedic charged with stealing fentanyl
A now-former Denver Health paramedic is accused of stealing large quantities of fentanyl vials over a three-year period while employed by the hospital, sources tell Denver7 Investigates. On Monday afternoon, C. Pattinson, 40, pleaded not [...]
Nurse at NH hospital arrested for ‘diversion’ of painkillers
A nurse at Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital in Lebanon admitted to stealing painkillers and using the drugs while on the job, according to court documents. Amy Vickers, 44, of Bradford, Vt., was arrested Monday [...]
Former Pennsylvania nurse receives house arrest for hospital drug swap
A former UPMC Altoona registered nurse will spend six months on house arrest with electronic monitoring to start what will be seven years of probation for stealing narcotic medication from the hospital. Dena Jo Pacifico, [...]
WA Ex-Nurse Sentenced For ‘Tampering’ With Morphine, Replacing It With Saline
KEY POINTS The former nurse reportedly used syringes to take morphine from vials She made efforts to make it appear as though the vials were still intact A patient remained in pain after receiving saline instead [...]
Minnesota senior homes are besieged by staff stealing pain medications
Eric Linn made a modest request of the senior home that cared for his mother as she lay dying of Alzheimer's disease in the spring of 2019. He asked that she be allowed to die [...]
NV nurse charged with stealing nearly 250 pills prescribed for seniors
Nearly 250 prescription medication pills dispensed for residents were kept by a nurse working at a Meadville senior living facility during the first six months of the year, the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General charged [...]
South Carolina: Nurse accused of neglecting patient, stealing drugs, pleads guilty
An Upstate nurse is headed to prison after pleading guilty to several charges, according to South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson.Kelly Morgan, 37, of Mauldin, pleaded guilty on July 21, 2022, to two counts of [...]