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A woman has lost her nursing license after she used a pre-signed prescription pad to write herself and others illegal prescriptions for Xanax, Percocet, and other drugs including amphetamines, according to the Tennessee Board of Nursing.

While working at the Memphis Cardiovascular Center, Roxanna Earnest used a prescription pad with pre-signed signatures to write herself the illegal prescriptions, according to a monthly medical discipline report released by the board.

Earnest worked at the center from 2009 until 2017, and from January 2011 until January 2018, she wrote 972 fake prescriptions for a total of 57,760 pills.

According to the report, Earnest also supplied six other individuals with illegal prescriptions for various drugs.

Earnest was arrested in June 2017 in Fayette County, where a grand jury indicted Earnest on 22 counts of possession of a controlled substance, 22 counts of prescription drug fraud, 13 counts of identity fraud and 13 counts of forgery, according to the report.

An internal investigation at the center where Earnest worked also revealed that she had falsified charts for patients for whom she supplied the fraudulent prescriptions.

Earnest pleaded guilty in federal court in November to one count of health care fraud and eight counts of distributing a controlled substance.